Today's laugh comes from one of the crazy roosters.

This guy is quite the athlete. He can get up and over a 8'+ fence by a kind of combination of running and flying up the fence. Quite a site to see, actually. When he is on one side or the other, though, the place he wants to be is the other side. He tries to make you feel sorry for him, but he is perfectly capable of getting up and over any time he wants.

Today during afternoon chores, I gave them some fresh grain in the feeders inside. Then, I went out into their yard to check their water. He was up on top of the fence, pacing back and forth. All the other chickens had gone inside to get some of the grain. The little guy on the fence was acting all insulted that they were having some kind of fun without him. He was squawking away, going back and forth, back and forth. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore (or no one was paying any attention to him), and, he works up the courage fly down and see what all the excitement is about. Except, he completely mis-calculates, and smacks head-first in the the side of the barn!
Probably not very sympathetic of me, but I literally laughed out loud at that!
He fell back, ruffled his feathers a bit, (almost as if he was saying "I meant to do that") and made his way, uneventfully, into the barn to get his dinner.
And put a smile on my face.
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