So, what has been going on here? "Let me explain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up."
Wednesday the 12th: Still cold out, but a little less of the rain. We made raspberry jam from some of last years' raspberries that she froze. We did the math and I realized that even if she sells them to the co-op to re-sell, there's a decent profit margin on homemade jam. Obviously, it's even better if she can sell it direct, like at Pizza Night. A second group of preschoolers came. We looked in the hoop house at all the things growing and talked about how it stayed so warm, etc. We looked at some of the chickens, and the kids got to pet a couple of them. They wanted to HOLD the chickens themselves, but everyone over the age of 6 agreed that probably wasn't a good idea. Then, the kids had a snack of mint tea (they loved it because it was warm) and rhubarb muffins.

Friday, the 14th: After giving hubby the grand tour and the morning animal chores, we checked the asparagus, but there was nothing ready. In the hoop house, we tilled a big section and planted the rest of the peppers that had been started from seeds earlier this spring in the house. After lunch, we made strawberry-rhubarb jam. Yum.
I went home for the weekend and came back late Sunday night.
The little chickens had trouble over the weekend. She thinks we forgot to turn the electric fence back on after trying to pick asparagus on Friday, and the evidence suggests that a weasel got into the birds' area. She lost almost 1/2 of them. Most of them were not really even eaten, so I guess weasels kill for sport. Yuck.
The weather was amazingly beautiful today. Sunny and warm! And, it's supposed to continue all week. Very glad for that!
A belated happy birthday! Sorry to hear about the chicks!