This is what I've been up to the last couple of days, selfishly making something for myself, instead of working on the countless projects I have partially completed for others. It is not an original idea of mine, though, as usual, it has morphed somewhat from the original. My inspiration came from denim-skirt-makeover-tutorial.
I started with a thrift store skirt for $2.99. No, wait. I think it was a 50% day, so, $1.50.
Next, I measured where I wanted the finished bottom hem to be, and cut. Gulp.

Wow. That looks short.
From the cut-off part, I made the ruffle and sewed to to the bottom.

Cute, but needs the flower detail.
Found a purple (I know the colors in the pics are bad) denim shirt in my fabric stash. Sewed a 2"x36" strip into a tube and gathered it.
Sewed it in a circle, and voila! A flower!
And, because I can't leave well enough alone, two more.
And, here's the finished skirt!