We have been busy this week, with the added preparations for the "Fall Harvest Fest" going on this Saturday, the 2nd. Also, they are predicting a hard freeze overnight Saturday-into-Sunday, so harvesting the remaining needed winter squash got bumped to the top of the to-do list.
That harvesting took up a good part of the day today. After figuring out how many of each variety we still need for the summer CSA members, and adding in what the winter CSA members will receive, and what she wants on hand for herself over the winter, we headed out to the field with boxes and boxes and boxes. I can't even begin to remember how much of everything we ended up with, but along with about 30 jack-o-lantern pumpkins, we filled up a 8' x 10' trailer. There were butternut, buttercup (ha! I now know the difference!), delicata, pie pumpkins, spaghetti and baby Hubbards.
Some of them might have been able to make it through the night on Saturday, but the squash is one of the staples in the winter CSA boxes, so she doesn't want to risk having a lot of damage. They all need to be washed then taken to the root cellar. She said some even use a mild bleach or peroxide solution to wash them, just to make sure they're really clean before storage.
We also cut down some corn stalks and tied them around the pizza/barn area as decoration for Saturday, and we bundled up some ears of Indian Corn, also as decoration, but for sale, as well. Last thing on my list for today was washing the last of the beets that were harvested a couple days ago. And, just so you know: Some cows love beets. :)
FALL HARVEST FEST ~ Suncrest Gardens ~ Pizza ~ Live Music with Jeff White |
Time | Saturday, October 2 · 11:00am - 6:30pm |
Location | Suncrest Gardens S2257 Yaeger Valley Cochrane, WI |
All Day Events - Wood-Fired Pizza Specialty pizzas prepared from fresh/organic/local ingredients and cooked in a wood-fired oven. Get a free pumpkin with your pizza order (while supplies last) - CSA Appreciation Dessert & Coffee - Wagon Rides to Pumpkin Patch (1 PM - 3 PM - 5 PM) - Live Music by Jeff White (4 to 6:30 PM) http://jeffwhitemusic.com/ - For the Kids Playground and Caterpillar Hay Crawl. Visit the farm animals. Lots of space available for fun activities. Bring a kite, frisbee or croquet. Contact info and directions: www.suncrestgardensfarm.com |