Friday, March 19, 2010
There are crocuses in bloom! It must be spring!
This spring has been strange, I think. We've had several weeks now of continuous warm weather. We've lost a lot of snow in a hurry because it's even been above freezing overnight. A couple of drizzly-rainy days contributed a lot, too.
At the risk of "jinxing" it, I even mentioned the other day that it's past the middle of March and we haven't had our usual March snowstorm, or Tourney blizzard, or any snow at all. March used to be our snowiest month. Global warming, maybe? Well, THAT is a subject for a different post!
Anyway, it's strange, in a nice way, to have the crocus coming up from the earth, not from a pile of snow.
Posted this on Facebook, but I love it so much, it's going here, too, to save it forever:
Awake, thou wintry earth -
Fling off thy sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!
~Thomas Blackburn, "An Easter Hymn"
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A new adveture awaits
I have been accepted for an internship at a farm in Wisconsin for the summer! I'm very excited, but a little nervous, too. I will be there from mid-April 'til sometime in October. That's a long time! But, I'll be home on weekends, so that should make it easier. I'm hoping to keep a journal of this wonderful opportunity, and turn it into a part of this blog.
My first assignment as an intern? Bring with me a list of goals I hope to accomplish over the summer!
Wish me luck!
My first assignment as an intern? Bring with me a list of goals I hope to accomplish over the summer!
Wish me luck!
Monday, March 8, 2010
What exactly is Heidi Creating these days?
This time I thought I'd share some of my latest creations.
The scarf is only partially my creation. It was knitted for me by my fabulous step-mother. (Knitted? Is that really a word?) Saw some trim for sale at the fabric store once with little pastel buttons dangling from bits of rick-rack. I thought it was so cute...till I saw the $12/yard price tag. The scarf is so wide, I would have needed almost 2 yards! Then, I heard the little voice in my head: “I could make that myself!” I have a love/hate relationship with that voice. It's always telling me I can do that myself, but never gives me the time to do it. It took me a while, but I did actually create the trim for the scarf. I love it!
I have also recently been on a purse kick. The purse with the dots was the first one. It turned out great, and even made one for a friend just like it. But, for me, its a bit small. So, I thought I'd try again, making it bigger. I increased the size of each of the stripes, but once they were sewn together, I realized it was going to be too big. My choices were to rip the seams between the stripes and trim each one proportionately to keep the look of the first bag (not), or just take some off the top and some off the bottom. That's what I did, but when it was finished, I no longer liked the look of the stripes. The green one was just too big.
I figured, since I'm not real keen on it, I'd post it on my Etsy site ( And I was back to the smaller purse, and back to the drawing board, so to speak.
I actually go in phases with purse sizes. I'll carry around everything but the kitchen sink, until I get tired of it. Then, I'll see a cute small purse and buy it (or, now, make it!). After a while, I get frustrated because I always seem to not have what I want/need because it doesn't fit in my purse. Eventually, I go back to a bigger one, that I either already have and return to service, or I find a new one to buy. (Bad, bad Heidi.) I'll carry around everything but the kitchen sink, until I get tired of it. Then I'll see a cute small purse...
After my near-successes with making purses, I was back perusing the all-mighty Internet for more ideas. Lo and behold, there were ideas-a-plenty. I found a picture of one that I really liked, but wasn't willing to cough up to buy the pattern for it. So I had to make it up. It's the floral one. It turned out kind of like the original picture, but that's all just part of the creative process. (At least, MY creative process!) Even if I'm trying to copy something, it never turns out quite the same. 99 times out of 100, I'm ok with that. I really like the purse, and I've gotten compliments on it, which is always nice.
There always seems to be room for tweaking, though...
Friday, March 5, 2010
What was your grandparents' home like? Did it have a certain smell or look?
When I first read this question about my grandparents' home, my thoughts immediately when to a place they lived when I was very little. I barely remember the place. For most of my memorable existence, they lived at “The Cabin” in Siren, Wisconsin, a place they'd owned as long as I can remember. But, the place they lived before moving there is what comes to my mind as their home. The Cabin was still The Cabin, even after they lived there. Weird, huh?
Anyway, the place I think of as their home: I'm pretty sure it was in Minneapolis (proper). And I seem to recall driving past some kind of plant or warehouse or something with a huge Purina logo on the wall. I think it was the upper portion of a duplex.
It did have a certain smell and look and feel. I can't describe the smell, but I bet I'd know it if I smelled it again. Our sense of smell is the most strongly connected to memory of all our senses. When they switched dish washing soap at the cafe I used to work at, on my very first sniff I was hit with a flash of my grandma. It was the same soap she'd used forever.
In my memory, my grandma was always either cooking something, or cleaning up after it. If there wasn't something on the stove, I'd smell that dish soap. It even clung to her hands for some time after she'd finished washing.
To me, the place always seemed dark. But, in a cozy, homey kind of way. Dark paneling, probably small windows, big, dark, overstuffed furniture with hand-crocheted throws on them. And, I remember it being warm inside. Probably came from being on the second floor.
There was always a dish of hard candies on the table next to the sofa. Those striped, wavy ribbon-looking candies. Never liked them, never ate them, but they were always there. (I also remember a candy dish of one kind or another when they moved to the cabin, and even when they got their place in Florida. Someone must have been eating them...I hope!)
There was a little store somewhere nearby, too, that we could walk to for ice cream. I know my sisters and I have had this conversation, and I think they remember the name and what that place was like, but I don't. I just remember being able to walk to get ice cream.
And, they had tinker toys. We didn't have tinker toys at home, and none of my close friends had them. It was something that was special about Grandma and Grandpa's.
I loved that, and hope I can recreate the special feelings, if not concrete memories, when my own grandchildren come along.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
What games did you play in your home or neighborhood?
My family loves games. Always has. And, we love everything. Board games, card games, puzzles, action games, word games, dice games. You name it, we'll try it, and we'll probably like it.
Some past and present favorites, in no particular order: Sorry, Life, Monopoly, Clue, Gin, Poker, a million other card games I can't remember the names to, Yahtzee, Pit, Chess, Royal Rummy, Risk, Bogle, Scrabble, Scene It... This is a bad idea. I could go on forever.
Yeah. My family loves games.
The “neighborhood” games don't stand out in my mind as much, but I remember playing kick the can, we went through a double dutch jump rope phase, roller skating (is that a game? Or a sport?!?). Mostly, with my friends, though, I remember playing with toys, Fisher Price Little People (back when they were small enough to swallow—it's amazing we lived to adulthood), Barbies, playing house (“you got to be the mom last time!!!”) etc.
I love games. I wish I could play more. But, maybe it wouldn't be quite so special to play games at holiday gatherings if I did it all the time. Who knows!
Some past and present favorites, in no particular order: Sorry, Life, Monopoly, Clue, Gin, Poker, a million other card games I can't remember the names to, Yahtzee, Pit, Chess, Royal Rummy, Risk, Bogle, Scrabble, Scene It... This is a bad idea. I could go on forever.
Yeah. My family loves games.
The “neighborhood” games don't stand out in my mind as much, but I remember playing kick the can, we went through a double dutch jump rope phase, roller skating (is that a game? Or a sport?!?). Mostly, with my friends, though, I remember playing with toys, Fisher Price Little People (back when they were small enough to swallow—it's amazing we lived to adulthood), Barbies, playing house (“you got to be the mom last time!!!”) etc.
I love games. I wish I could play more. But, maybe it wouldn't be quite so special to play games at holiday gatherings if I did it all the time. Who knows!
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